http://www.sina.com.cn 2010年07月12日 11:27 新浪尚品
4. ZEST:你曾经为很多知名厂牌创作出成功的广告作品,你认为拍摄这组原创食物作品与广告创作最大的不同是什么?
Fulvio Bonavia:最主要的不同是,执行广告摄影时你没有那么充分的创作自由,而个人项目就不同,你可以尽情表达自我。
ZEST:You have created successful advertisements for many famous brands, what are the differences of creating an advertisement and an individual food shot?
Fulvio Bonavia:The main difference is that, in advertisement you don’t have total creative freedom. In personal research you are totally free to express yourself。
5. ZEST:有人说吃什么像什么你怎么理解这句话?
Fulvio Bonavia:我有这种感觉 ,但并非总是如此。
ZEST:What do you think of the phase “you are what you eat”?
Fulvio Bonavia:I have sense but not always。
6. ZEST:想像力对你来说意味着什么?
Fulvio Bonavia:想像力就是一切。
ZEST:What is imagination to you?
Fulvio Bonavia:Everything。