意大利摄影师Fulvio Bonavia的食材新时尚
http://www.sina.com.cn 2010年07月12日 11:27 新浪尚品
时尚+食尚=?品位+品味=? 意大利摄影师Fulvio Bonavia的《Taste Matters 》系列风格简洁俐落,却不失细腻,处处反映着创作者的无限创意与想像力。 作品以食材打造高级时装与配饰,尽头滋味与时尚美感的结合:小红莓做成的手提包、巴马火腿指环 、宽蛋面编织而成的腰带、芝士小手袋⋯⋯系列中的十五幅作品将于七月五日至二十三日期间,在香港中环置地广场展出,相信定会吸引不少时尚达人与饕客。
作者/ Fulvio Bonavia 采访、文/梁聪怡 montage leong
Fulvio Bonavia:这个系列的灵感来自于我很早以前的一个作品,核心的目标是结合两种意大利的高级食材和时尚,并使之得到阐释。有时候灵感来自时尚配饰,有时候则来自食材的形态,并没有一个固定的规矩。灵感的还有两个重要的来源:素描和研究。
ZEST :What was the inspiration behind this food and luxury series?
Fulvio Bonavia:The inspiration to create this series came from a work that I made long time ago. The goal was to combine two Italian quality food and fashion and interpret it. Sometimes the inspiration came from fashion accessories and sometimes from shapes of food. There is no rule. The inspiration comes from both parts. Sketches and researches are really important。
Fulvio Bonavia:我认为这两者都是通过某种方式在诱惑我们,使人心驰神往。所以将它们结合起来你能创作出杰作。
ZEST:What do you think about the relationship between food and luxury?
Fulvio Bonavia:I think they both seducing the people in some way. They are both desirable. Mixing the two things you can create masterpieces。
Fulvio Bonavia: 每次创作都是独一无二的体验。这个食材新时尚系列带给我很多乐趣,因为这是纯粹的“无中生有”,看到美丽的存在通过一种简洁的方式从自己手中被缔造出来,着实让人兴奋。
ZEST:Could you please share with us the most interesting experience you have ever encountered during your creation process?
Fulvio Bonavia: Each one is particular in unique way. I have lot of fun creating these food-fashion images because I was working on the creation of something that doesn’t exist. It was interesting to see all the beautiful thing that you can create in simplicity。