臻玉轩 越品“粤”香的佳馔
http://www.sina.com.cn 2011年01月24日 14:51 Best Food in China美食中国网

此时此刻,我们已然酒足饭饱,渴望片刻的缓息。幸运的是,餐厅的柔软座椅和舒适靠垫正好提供了饭后斜倚小憩一下的悠闲环境。在点了近十道菜肴之后,我们对于菜单上的丰富菜色依旧一知半解,依我愚见,最好的方法是当你有近十人的集体聚餐时,在这里订一间私人包间,点上个二十五道左右的菜肴,才算是对餐厅菜色有个大致掌握。我对于臻玉轩餐厅的其它菜肴甚至甜点都仍抱有浓厚的兴趣,期待未来有机会再次光顾,尽管酒店位于普陀区靠近中环,地理位置稍远些,当然也更显示了菜单价格的公道性,在高楼林立的商业区提供了一个轻松悠闲纾解压力的美妙氛围,也体验了更为卓越的就餐环境。(作者:Karol Ng 翻译:李亦然)
特色菜:自制手工海参配煎饼, 海鲜日本豆腐
电话: 021-53559999
At one time the only five-star hotelin Putuo district, the Radisson Hong Quan hotel is now one of many. The hotelboasts three restaurants, and Ü is still very popular with Chinese locals, ahot spot for business and government functions
I walked in the Taopu Rd. entrance and entered asprawling lobby of marble floors and sofas. Then we went upstairs to therestaurant whose warm colors and cushioned seats made a very relaxing andwelcoming environment. The dark hard wood floors and crystal chandeliersreflected the hotel owner's love of antiques, while the extensive menu ofvarious Chinese cuisines reflected the chef's love of food. We spent a goodamount of time studying the menu, poring over the Sichuan, Cantonese and local specialties tofinally order. The Cantonese dishes are known to be quite good since the chefis from Guangdong,thus the majority of our meal was Cantonese。
We started with a simple Chinesesoup of pork and mushrooms – my goodness was the broth savory and tasty fromthe shitake mushrooms. Their crispy pigeon, a Cantonese specialty, was verywell done, tender meat and extra crispy skin, just the way we like it. The Japanesetofu with seafood was possibly my favorite dish of the meal. More tender andflavorful than soft Chinese tofu, the Japanese tofu complemented the scallops,abalone, and crab meat very well in this Cantonese style dish. I had never evenheard of "Japanese tofu" until coming to Shanghai and being introduced to it by mylocal coworkers, but it has become one of my favorite things to order. I was alittle disappointed that the crab meat in this dish was imitation, a very bigsurprise since it was the middle of hairy crab season and we were in afive-star hotel。
Next we had another seafood dish,this time a little spicy. It was delicious all the same, a mix of spices stirfried with cuttlefish, scallops, and mushrooms. Going along with the seafoodtheme, we ordered the house-recommended Homemade Braised Sea CucumberStir-Fried served with Pancakes. When it first arrived to the table, we had noidea what the dish was since the sea cucumber was sliced and unrecognizable andmixed with chives, carrot, and egg. Then the "pancakes" arrived andwe figured it out. They were not what I expected, more like the steamed bunsyou get with Taiwanese-style burgers. The dish was fantastic, healthy andlightly cooked in an oyster sauce, and I had never eaten sea cucumber cookedlike this before. For those who have never tried sea cucumber, this was a goodintroductory dish because they're stir-fried with lots of vegetables and servedwith bread, so you don't have to worry about picking them up with yourchopsticks。
Since we were in a restaurant thatspecialized in Cantonese food, we had to order some Dim Sum as well. We got thesteamed prawn dumplings "ha gao", or "xia jiao" inMandarin, which were full of tasty prawns and bamboo shoots, and the barbecuepork puffs as a sweet snack. Instead of a traditional steamed bun, the barbecuepork was rolled in wrappers to look like egg rolls and baked. Pretty good, butit tasted like something I could have gotten at Bi Feng Tang, so nothing towrite home about。
By this point, all of us werestuffed and needed a break. Luckily, the soft chairs and cushioned seats made Üa good environment to linger after our meal. We barely made progress on themenu even though we ordered almost 10 dishes, so the best way to go back iswhen you have a group of ten or more and you can reserve a private dining roomand order about 25 dishes. I would love to go back to try out their otherdishes and even dessert, but the hotel can be far for some since it is locatedin Putuo, within the Middle Ring road. Then again, the location allows the menuto be so reasonably priced, and it gives a more relaxing and stress-freeenvironment that makes an even better dining experience。
Service quality: very good
Food quality: very good
Environment: excellent
Price per head (RMB): 200-300
Feature dish or menu: Homemadebraised sea cucumber with pancakes; Japanesetofu with seafood