http://www.sina.com.cn 2011年04月06日 13:37 新浪尚品
Ecosse Moto Works因为生产完美的非常规摩托车,以及为少数高端客户手工打造无暇精细的6位数摩托车而著称。但是,制造商在丹佛和科罗拉多的新旗舰店使得该公司的艺术气质和绩效上升到一个新的高度。

夸张的标价高达30万美元,使它成为市场上最昂贵的摩托车。Ecosse的最新型号摩托车被称为FE Ti XX,它预示着该公司奇异摩托车生产的结束。受到2409cc钢坯引擎的启发,FE Ti XX采用液压驱动离合溶合了最新的外露碳带驱动。2409cc钢坯引擎使后轮产生惊人的225马力的驱动力,这也是Ecosse摩托车所能提供的最高马力。
什么样的买主会对FE Ti XX感兴趣?在即将生产的13款样车,第一批已经运往中国……
Ecosse Builds the World's Most Expensive Motorcycle
Ecosse Moto Works has a reputation for concocting perfectly unreasonable motorcycles, flawlessly detailed six-figure bikes that are handmade for a small but dedicated clientele. But the Denver, Colo.-based boutique builder's new flagship elevates the company's artistry and performance to new heights。
Priced at an extravagant $300,000—making it the most expensive production motorcycle on the market—Ecosse’s latest model is dubbed the FE Ti XX, and heralds the end of the company's line of Heretic bikes. Motivated by a 2,409 cc billet engine that produces an outrageous 225 hp at the rear wheel—the most Ecosse has ever offered—the FE Ti XX incorporates a new exposed carbon-belt drive with a hydraulically actuated clutch. The exhaust system by the race veterans at Good Fabs features ceramic shot-peened and hardened titanium tubes for strength and fatigue resistance. Astride a posh Berluti saddle, the lucky owner rests his or her eyes on a full-color dash with data logging, just past the bodywork finished in a special carbon weave。
What kind of buyer is attracted to the FE Ti XX? Of the 13 examples that will be produced, the first batch is already destined for China, and one is being delivered without fluids in order to be displayed in a private home—an apt tribute to a static, but potentially fiercely kinetic piece of two-wheeled sculpture。