http://www.sina.com.cn 2010年07月26日 14:57 新浪财经

当下人们憎恶华尔街的理由很简单,因在每6个工人中就有1人找不到工作时,其投行却在大量增聘人手。当高盛公司CEO布兰克费恩(Lloyd Blankfein)近日一掷千金,以2600万美元现金买下纽约富人区豪宅时,普通人仍在为偿还按揭房贷苦苦挣扎。
曼哈顿地区似乎对此毫不关心。在7000亿美元纳税人资金的救助下,纽约市金融业去年收入丰厚。据纽约州审计署公告,当地各类金融从业者共计分红200亿美元,人均12.4万美元。若形势按此继续发展,2006年创下的人均分红19.1万美元的记录可能很快不保。高盛、摩根大通、摩根斯坦利和美国银行美林证券在今年一季度的每个交易日中,收益空前丰厚。据评级机构标普(Standard& Poor's)预测,华尔街二季度利润与上年同比将增长252%。而普通人的补充养老计划401(k)的投资境况仍惨不忍睹。
面对糟糕金融境况者绝非少数。据近期参与民调机构佐格比国际(Zogby International)调查的大多数认为,华府在此次危机更善待华尔街。调查结果表明,71%被访者相信金融业是制造这次衰退的主要根源;63%称其对华尔街的信任感很少,或毫无信任感;61%认为金融业从业者薪酬过高。另外,62%被访者对华府的信任感也很低,或毫无信任感;62%称华府在危机中对金融业比对普通美国人更优厚。
华尔街暴富,普通投资者收益尚可,是因人们容忍了这种结局。据先锋集团(Vanguard Group)创始人约翰·博格(John Bogle)保存的资料显示,全美各类投资者每年需向金融业的各类从业者,经纪人、共同基金经营者、理财顾问、并购经纪人、对冲基金,外加其雇用的律师、会计师、营销者和顾问支付高达5300亿美元的开支,而所有开支都是在参与交易者自愿的条件下付出。
金融改革法案早期版本的确要求经纪人必须拥有受托人资格。但经说客们大肆搅扰,该法律条款变为象征性地要求美证交会(Securities &Exchange Commission,SEC)研究一下“现有有关向散户投资者提供个人化的证券投资咨询的效果('personalized investment advice aboutsecurities to a retail customer')”。
据公共诚信中心(Center for Public Integrity)称,因金融改革立法的威胁去年突然出现,金融业为此花费了13亿美元游说。据尽责政治中心(Centerfor Responsive Politics)和消费者维权团体Public Citizen称,金融业甚至不惜重金聘请42位财政部前官员,以及还聘请包括众议院前议长哈斯特德(DennisHastert)、参议院前多数党领袖多尔(Robert Dole)和罗特(Trent Lott),以及众议院前多数党领袖阿米(Richard Armey)和格普哈特(RichardGephardt)在内的73位议员进行游说。其中游说最甚者为靠450亿美元纳税人资金救助方得以苟延残喘的花旗银行(Citigroup)。
令受害加剧的是投资者在错误的时间内进出基金。有业内人士注意到,在截止2005年的前10年内,至少200只基金出现了想要博取科技业收益并随后遭受亏损的最大规模的资金流入量。而此期间,这批基金总体业绩水平略逊于标普500指数(Standard& Poor's 500)的表现,年率化收益仅8.8%,低于市场总体的9.2%。
然而,这类产品价格不菲,大多数年费在资产总额的2%-3%。把资产都置于像个人退休账户(IRA)那样的税收递延类账户的做法不明智。SEC曾警告道,即便如此,投资者也不可能获取额外避税的任何好处。美金融业监管局(TheFinancial Industry Regulatory Authority)也警告,以避税方式持有各类年金产品并非好主意。它最终会给经纪人或销售者带来不菲的费用和佣金。
The Way to Win on Wall Street Now
The markets may be a rigged game, but don't count on federal reform to help you out. You can gain the upper hand by making smart investment decisions。
Everybody hates Wall Street, and it's easy to see why. while one in six workers can't find a job, investment banks are hiring thousands. Goldman Sachs ( GS - news - people ) Chief Lloyd Blankfein recently bought an apartment on New York City's Central Park West for $26 million--in cash. How are you doing with your mortgage payments?
No one seems to be worrying about mortgage payments in downtown Manhattan. With help from a $700 billion taxpayer bailout, New York City's financial industry had a solid 2009, capped off with $20 billion in bonuses for itself--$124,000 for every investment banker, analyst and secretary, reports the Office of the New York State Comptroller. The way things are going, the average-bonus record of $191,000 set in 2006 may not stand for long. Goldman, JPMorgan Chase, Morgan Stanley ( MS - news - people ) and Bank of America ( BAC - news - people ) Merrill Lynch all made money trading securities on each and every one of the 63 trading days in the first quarter--an unprecedented feat. When the final tally is in, Wall Street's second-quarter profits are expected to show a 252% rebound from the 2009 level, according to Standard & Poor's. Say, how is your 401(k) holding up?
If you are upset with your financial circumstances, you can join a large crowd. A majority of those polled by Zogby International (62%) believe Uncle Sam has treated the financial industry better than it has the average American during the crisis. Zogby also asked how much faith people had in Wall Street and got this cynical view: 63% had little or no confidence; 61% said they thought people working in finance are overpaid (see "The Trust Gap" at the end of this article)。
This collision of dashed dreams with a powerful industry that accounts for 7% of GDP has resulted, rather predictably, in a monster 2,300-page financial reform bill that answers the populist cry for retribution against Wall Street. But it doesn't really solve the problem。
If Wall Street gets rich while the rest of us muddle along, that's because we let it. Collectively, we pay the financial sector--stockbrokers, fund operators, money managers, M&A brokers, hedge funds, plus their lawyers, accountants, marketers and advertisers--$530 billion a year for moving capital around, according to a tab kept by Vanguard Group founder John Bogle. This is a large chunk of change for an economy in which corporate profits are $1.5 trillion in a good year. All those fees are the result of voluntary transactions。
Are you paying a stiff expense ratio on an actively managed fund that is no better than a cheap index fund? Is your state's pension fund shelling out performance fees for private equity deals that, adjusted for leverage, don't beat the market? Is the corporation whose board you are on a sucker for M&A deals that amount to nothing more than empire building? If you are like Charlie Brown, always giving Lucy one more chance to tee up the football, then you are part of the problem。
Do you trade a lot? Then you are making the traders at Goldman, Morgan, Merrill and the rest of the downtown Manhattan crowd a little better off。
Don't look to Congress for help. It passed a bill that lets too-big-to-fail banks continue to make money from derivatives, hedge funds and private equity--with help from their taxpayer-backed balance sheets. On June 25, the day after a watered-down bill passed in the House, bank stocks rose 2% to 4% in an otherwise flat market。
A more subtle attribute of the bill is that it permits stockbrokers to remain nonfiduciaries. That means they are not so much selling services the way lawyers or registered investment advisors do as selling products the way insurance agents or car dealers do. A fiduciary would be bound to put your interests ahead of his own; it would be hard for him or her to recommend an expensive product when a cheap one would accomplish the same objective。