

2012年11月06日 18:16  新浪尚品 微博

  “借着今晚太古广场旗舰店的开幕活动,我们感受到香港这个城市拥有难以置信的活力以及生活态度。身为Burberry[微博]这个大家庭的一员,我感到十分兴奋,因为无论远近都能聚在一起。今晚是一个神奇的组合,集合了音乐、文化、英国气息,还有所有我们最喜爱的事物。”——Burberry首席创意总监Christopher Bailey


  Burberry首席创意总监Christopher Bailey专程亲临香港,出席并主持了昨晚Burberry全新旗舰店开幕活动。

Ana Rivera at the Burberry event in Pacific Place Hong Kong Ana Rivera at the Burberry event in Pacific Place Hong Kong
Carl Barat at the Burberry event in Pacific Place Hong Kong Carl Barat at the Burberry event in Pacific Place Hong Kong
Christopher Bailey at the Burberry event in Pacific Place Hong Kong Christopher Bailey at the Burberry event in Pacific Place Hong Kong
Denise Ho at the Burberry event in Pacific Place Hong Kong Denise Ho at the Burberry event in Pacific Place Hong Kong
Du Juan at the Burberry event in Pacific Place Hong Kong_1 Du Juan at the Burberry event in Pacific Place Hong Kong_1
Hilary Tsui at the Burberry event in Pacific Place Hong Kong Hilary Tsui at the Burberry event in Pacific Place Hong Kong
Huang Xaio Ming & Maggie Cheung at the Burberry event in Pacific Place Hong Kong Huang Xaio Ming & Maggie Cheung at the Burberry event in Pacific Place Hong Kong
Joey Yung at the Burberry event in Pacific Place Hong Kong Joey Yung at the Burberry event in Pacific Place Hong Kong
Kathy Chow at the Burberry event in Pacific Place Hong Kong Kathy Chow at the Burberry event in Pacific Place Hong Kong
Khalil Fong at the Burberry event in Pacific Place Hong Kong Khalil Fong at the Burberry event in Pacific Place Hong Kong
Rosie Hunting-Whiteley at the Burberry event in Pacific Place Hong Kong_1 Rosie Hunting-Whiteley at the Burberry event in Pacific Place Hong Kong_1
Wyman Wong at the Burberry event in Pacific Place Hong Kong Wyman Wong at the Burberry event in Pacific Place Hong Kong
Yuri at the Burberry event in Pacific Place Hong Kong Yuri at the Burberry event in Pacific Place Hong Kong

  当晚开幕活动有超过500位城中名人出席,包括英国女演员及Burberry Body系列香水广告女主角Rosie Huntington-Whiteley、张曼玉、黄晓明、韩国组合少女时代成员秀英和俞利、容祖儿、黄耀明、黄伟文、梁汉文、Shine、周汶锜、Ana R. 、杜鹃、何韵诗、徐濠萦等。


  开幕活动亦邀请了英国音乐人Carl Barat以及香港著名唱作歌手方大同于现场演出。




  位于金钟太古广场的新店面积达21,500平方尺,新店的设计沿用Burberry首席创意总监Christopher Bailey构思的概念,并且该店也是全球第一间铺设室外水晶面墙的Burberry专门店,彰显出Burberry经典格纹图案。



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