http://www.sina.com.cn 2012年04月27日 17:25 douban
这次展览融汇一系列多元化的摄影作品,映照出我们文化生活之中被时间遗忘的角落,当中包括印度的手绘人像摄影、一名中国特技化妆师的作品选辑、墨西哥的蒙面职业摔角手的相册等珍奇影像。这次展览还会展出AMC 的所有出版刊物,包括以幻灯片形式呈现近期推出的中国画册《欢乐今宵》。除此之外,观众更可以使用一个专门为这次展览设计的摄影棚。
The UK-based Archive of Modern Conflict collects materials dating all the way from prehistoric times to the present day. As the subject matter and topics multiply, they intersect in surprising ways to reveal stories about the nature of our world. This exhibition brings together a selection of various photographic work that illuminates forgotten corners of our cultural life, such as Indian portraits colored by hand, photos by a Chinese special effects make-up artist, and an album of a Mexican wrestler. AMCʼs complete assortment of photo books will be on display and their recent publication on China, “Happy Tonite” will be presented as a slide show. A special photo studio designed for the occasion will allow visitors to interact with the exhibition。
展览由2012 草场地摄影季主办;并由时间机器影像中心支持。
Exhibition presented by Caochangdi PhotoSpring 2012 and supported by Time Machine Image Centre
时间:2012 年4 月14 日——5 月6 日
北京市朝阳区草场地红一号D 座
星期二 - 星期日 10:00 – 18:00