http://www.sina.com.cn 2011年11月16日 19:44 新浪尚品 微博

费舍尔1948在纽约市出生,之后在纽约长岛的郊区度过了他的童年。1967年,在随父母迁至亚利桑那州凤凰城后开始接受艺术教育。他曾就读于凤凰 城大学并于1972年从加州艺术学院取得了艺术学士学位。之后他曾经作为一名保安为芝加哥的当代艺术博物馆工作过一段时间。1974年,他移居到加拿大新 斯科舍省的哈利法克斯市,并开始在当地的新斯科舍艺术与设计学院教授油画。在布鲁斯-弗格森的策划协助下,费舍尔于1975年在新斯科舍省的达尔豪斯画廊 开办了自己的首个个人作品展。1978年他搬回纽约居住。
美国郊区的成长经历为费舍尔的作品提供了一个酗酒盛行、浮华不实的乡村俱乐部文化的创作背景。因此,他的早期作品多专注于不可言说的真相裂痕。 1979年,早在“郊区文化” 被业界视为一个独特的艺术流派之前,费舍尔就在爱德华索普画廊开办了他在艺术之都纽约的首个个人作品展。凭借对美国主流社会阴暗和令人不安的潜流的精确刻 画,他的作品在首次展览中就引起了巨大的关注和争议。
费舍尔的油画、雕塑、绘画和版画曾参加数量众多的个展和重量级的群展。他的作品被许多著名博物馆、企业和个人收藏,包括大都会艺术博物馆、惠特尼美 国艺术博物馆、纽约现代艺术博物馆、洛杉矶当代艺术博物馆,圣路易斯艺术博物馆,丹麦路易斯安那现代艺术博物馆,巴黎蓬皮杜中心和潘恩-韦伯公司等。费舍 尔还积极同其他艺术家、作家合作,包括诗人艾伦-金斯堡、作家E.L。多克特罗、牙买加-金凯德、弗雷德里克-图顿和艺术评论家杰瑞-萨特茨。
费舍尔目前担任大型跨媒体艺术巡展——《美国:此时此地》(America: Now and Here)的创始人、主席以及首席策展人。这个展览将150多位美国最杰出的视觉艺术家、音乐家、诗人、剧作家以及电影人汇聚在一起,在全国范围点燃对于 “美国身份”的新讨论。这场巡展与2011年5月5日在堪萨斯城开幕,之后前往底特律和芝加哥。六辆18轮重型卡车将同时作为交通工具、移动博物馆和表演 舞台,把这场展览带入横跨美国东西海岸的各个社区当中。
Eric Fischl is an internationally acclaimed American painter and sculptor. His artwork is represented in many distinguished museums throughout the world and has been featured in over one thousand publications. His extraordinary achievements throughout his career have made him one of the most influential figurative painters of the late 20th and early 21st centuries。
Fischl was born in 1948 in New York City and grew up in the suburbs of Long Island. He began his art education in Phoenix, Arizona where his parents had moved in 1967. He attended Phoenix College and earned his B.F.A. from the California Institute for the Arts in 1972. He then spent some time in Chicago, where he worked as a guard at the Museum of Contemporary Art. In 1974, he moved to Halifax, Nova Scotia, to teach painting at the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design. Fischl had his first solo show, curated by Bruce W. Ferguson, at Dalhousie Art Gallery in Nova Scotia in 1975 before relocating to New York City in 1978.
Fischl’s suburban upbringing provided him with a backdrop of alcoholism and a country club culture obsessed with image over content. His early work thus became focused on the rift between what was experienced and what could not be said. His first New York City solo show was at Edward Thorp Gallery in 1979, during a time when suburbia was not considered a legitimate genre for art. He first received critical attention for depicting the dark, disturbing undercurrents of mainstream American life。
His paintings, sculptures, drawings and prints have been the subject of numerous solo and major group exhibitions and his work is represented in many museums, as well as prestigious private and corporate collections, including The Metropolitan Museum of Art, The Whitney Museum of American Art, The Museum of Modem Art in New York City, The Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles, St. Louis Art Museum, Louisiana Museum of Art in Denmark, Musée Beaubourg in Paris, The Paine Weber Collection, and many others. Fischl has collaborated with other artists and authors, including E.L. Doctorow, Allen Ginsberg, Jamaica Kincaid, Jerry Saltz and Frederic Tuten。
He is also the founder, President and lead curator for America: Now and Here. This multi-disciplinary exhibition of 150 of some of America’s most celebrated visual artists, musicians, poets, playwrights, and filmmakers is designed to spark a national conversation about American identity through the arts. The project launched on May 5, 2011 in Kansas City before traveling to Detroit and Chicago. The cross-country journey will continue in a roving museum and performance space contained within six 18-wheeler trucks that will travel to communities from coast to coast。
Eric Fischl is a Fellow at both the American Academy of Arts and Letters and the American Academy of Arts and Science. He lives and works in Sag Harbor, NY with his wife, the painter April Gornik。