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  斯特里普女士从小在新泽西州的公立学校系统接受教育,后以优异毕业生的身份从瓦瑟学院毕业,并于1975年从耶鲁大学获得表演艺术硕士学位。她的职 业生涯开始于纽约的戏剧舞台。在那里,她迅速打造出了自己对不同角色游刃有余的驾驭能力和蓬勃的创造力。毕业后,她仅用了三年的时间就登上了百老汇舞台, 并获得了她的首座电视艾美奖(《大屠杀》)和她的首次奥斯卡奖提名(《猎鹿人》)。2009年,凭借着在诺拉-艾芙隆导演的电影《美味关系》中对人物朱莉 娅·查尔德的重塑,她第16次获得了奥斯卡奖的提名,从而也成为了电影史上获得该奖提名最多的演员。她最新演出了讲述撒切尔夫人生平的电影《铁娘子》,本 片将在此次论坛期间在中国国家博物馆举行一场特别放映。

  斯特里普女士还热忱参与环境保护活动。她于1989年联合创立了消费者权益保护组织——母亲关怀(Mothers and Others)。在过去的十年当中,该组织致力于推广农业可持续发展与食品安全理念,建立了新的杀虫剂使用法规,推动发展了有机可持续种植食材的多样化和 本地化。斯特里普女士同时还积极参与保护妇女和女童权益的组织,如“立即平等”(Equality Now)和“妇女国际”(Women for Women International),以及推广健康的“健康伙伴”(Partners in Health)组织活动当中。她现在分别担任瓦瑟学院和美国艺术文学学院董事会委员。她还获得过法国政府授予的“艺术及文学勋章“,美国电影学会颁发的 “终身成就奖”,并在2010年被美国总统奥巴马授予“美国国家艺术勋章”。


  For almost 40 years, Meryl Streep has portrayed an astonishing array of characters in a career that has cut its own unique path from the theater through film and television。

  Ms. Streep was educated in the New Jersey public school system through high school, graduated cum laude from Vassar College, and received her MFA with honors from Yale University in 1975. She began her professional life on the New York stage, where she quickly established her signature versatility and verve as an actor. Within three years of graduation, she made her Broadway debut, won an Emmy (for Holocaust) and received her first Oscar nomination (for

  The Deerhunter). In 2009, in a record that is unsurpassed, she won her sixteenth Academy Award nomination for her role as Julia Child in Nora Ephron's

  Julie and Julia.  Her latest film The Iron Lady, inspired by the events of Margaret Thatcher's life, will be shown in a special screening at the National Museum of China during the Forum。

  Ms. Streep has pursued her interest in the environment through her work with Mothers and Others, a consumer advocacy group that she co-founded in 1989. M&O worked for ten years to promote sustainable agriculture, establish new pesticide regulations, and the availability of organic and sustainably grown local foods. She also lends her efforts to Equality Now and Women for Women International, organizations that work to support and protect the human rights of women and girls worldwide, and Partners in Health. She is a member of the Vassar College Board of Trustees and the American Academy of Arts and Letters. She has been accorded a Commandeur de L'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres by the French Government, Lifetime Achievement Award by the American Film Institute, The 2010 National Medal of Arts by President Obama and in 2011 will receive a Kennedy Center Honor。

  Her husband, sculptor Don Gummer, and she are the parents of a son and three daughters。

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