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http://www.sina.com.cn 2011年01月20日 11:15 新浪尚品

















































  Following the global financial crisis, most people's assets have declined. Amid the falling stock portfolios and the uneven economic recovery, the ranks of the rich versus the super-rich have shifted. Which millionaire and billionaire superstars, from sports stars to media barons to savvy investors, came out on top as the heaviest hitters in their financial weight class?

  Who's Rich and Who's Super-Rich

  What does it mean to be wealthy now? Are dual-income families rich? What about doctors, lawyers, and other white-collar professionals? Or are people rich only if they're worth more than $1 million? Let's set aside the average Joes for a second: being rich is relative even among the millionaire and billionaire set. "Most of us gauge our wealthy status relative to our own history and our peers," says Keith Whitaker, president of Wise Counsel Research, a firm that advises clients on handling their money. Following the global financial crisis, most people's assets have declined. Amid the falling stock portfolios and the uneven economic recovery, the ranks of the rich versus the super-rich have shifted. Which millionaire and billionaire superstars, from sports stars to media barons to savvy investors, came out on top as the heaviest hitters in their financial weight class?

  Tech Pioneers

  Steve Jobs: Rich

  Jobs may have cornered the tech market with Apple's sleek products, but he still trails Bill Gates in terms of wealth. Like Gates, Jobs dropped out of college and founded a tech company. But his estimated $5.5 billion hardly compares with Gates's net worth of $53 billion。

  Bill Gates: Super-Rich

  With an estimated net worth of $53 billion, Gates ranks second on Forbes's 2010 list of the world's richest billionaires. The super-rich Gates made his money founding Microsoft after dropping out of Harvard University, but he isn't content to sit on his pile of money. He's also reinvented himself as a philanthropist who, through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, has funneled money to projects all over the world that improve education and fight malaria。

  Intrepid Investors

  George Soros: Rich

  Soros has an estimated wealth of $14.2 billion and runs a financially successful hedge fund that is reported to control about $20 billion in assets. Like Gates, this savvy 80-year-old has turned his attention to philanthropy, recently donating $100 million to the nonprofit group Human Rights Watch。

  Warren Buffett: Super-Rich

  With an estimated $45 billion, Buffett remains one of the country's richest men, bested only by his friend Bill Gates, according to the Forbes 2010 list of richest Americans. Buffett amassed his fortune by following his own folksy advice of remaining calm in the face of a fluctuating stock market. He managed to avoid the subprime mortgage bubble and, like Soros, he has been a generous contributor to charity causes and has funneled much of his fortune to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation。

  Self-Made Businessmen-Politicians

  Michael Bloomberg: Super-Rich

  Few people have had as many successful career trajectories as New York City's current mayor, Michael Bloomberg, who made his way from Wall Street to media baron to politician. Like Perot, Bloomberg is a self-made man and an independent politician who has run for office without a party affiliation. But in terms of who's richer, Bloomberg takes the prize, with an estimated $18 billion。

  Latin American Magnates

  Carlos Slim: Super-Rich

  Slim remains one of the richest men in the world, with holdings in telecommunication, railroads, and banking, and even a 6.9 percent stake in The New York Times. The latest edition of Forbes's wealth rankings puts Slim at the top, ahead of Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Larry Ellison, and Bernard Arnault, with an estimated wealth of $54 billion。

  Internet Memes

  Mark Zuckerberg: Rich

  So Aaron Sorkin just wrote a much-discussed movie about Zuckerberg's founding of Facebook, and the man himself donated $100 million to Newark, N.J., schools. That makes Zuckerberg rich, right? Well, Forbes's latest rankings value his personal wealth at $4 billion, which is not a bad sum for a 25-year-old Harvard dropout. But Zuckerberg's wealth still doesn't top that of one of the cofounders of Google, who beats him by $11 billion。

  Troubled Heiresses of a Certain Age

  Liliane Bettencourt: Super-Rich

  The only child of the founder of L'Oreal is worth an estimated $20 billion. The reclusive French citizen, in her late 80s, remains one of the company's primary shareholders. Bettencourt's private life made news this past summer when her daughter accused Bettencourt's 57-year-old boyfriend of duping the heiress into giving him $800 million. The court case generated regular headlines in France, where Bettencourt has managed to stay out of the limelight for the past half-century。

  Entertainment Moguls

  Oprah: Rich

  You think Oprah is super-rich, right? With a daytime talk show, a magazine named after her, and a television network in the works, it makes sense that Oprah would be one of the wealthiest women in show business. Her net worth is estimated to be $2.4 billion--not bad for a self-made star. But can she hold her own against media mogul David Geffen?

  Media Magnates

  Rupert Murdoch: Rich

  Murdoch started News Corp., the media company that now owns Fox News and The Wall Street Journal, along with several other newspapers, cable networks, and entertainment companies that span the globe. He exerts an outsize influence on the media in the U.S. and Asia, and more recently News Corp. has started donating more money to the Republican Party. Murdoch's estimated worth is now $6.2 billion。

  Celeb Athletes

  David Beckham: Rich

  The British soccer player may be the most recognizable face in American soccer since he transferred to play for the Los Angeles Galaxy. But Beckham's riches of roughly $44 million don't just come from sports. If you've ever walked by a billboard, chances are you've seen his print endorsements for fashion, fragrances, and sports companies。

  Tiger Woods: Super-Rich

  Although Woods's extramarital affairs damaged his image as a clean-cut family man, the golfer remains one of the richest celebrity athletes, to the tune of $105 million. Who knows whether that will remain the case in the long term, but for now, Woods still has endorsement deals with major companies such as Nike。



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