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http://www.sina.com.cn 2011年01月19日 14:31 新浪尚品


  欧洲知识经济与管理学院(Skema Business School)属于法国目前规模最大的商学院,将从2011年9月开始在中国苏州分校开设“奢侈品和时尚管理”专业硕士学位的课程。该课程为期一年,其中包括在一家位于亚洲的公司进行3个月的实习工作;旨在将中国传统的丝绸和瓷器方面的精湛工艺与法国的管理经验相结合。 

  欧洲知识经济与管理学院并不是第一个认识到中国奢侈品消费市场重要性的法国大学。早在2007年3月,巴黎高等商学院(HEC School of Management in Paris)便同法国时装研究所,以及清华大学经济管理学院建立了合作关系;并在上海将法国首创的先进奢侈品和时尚管理课程引入中国。 


  French Business School Offers Luxury Degree in China

  The phrase “made in China,” once anathema to European luxury brands for its suggestion of counterfeiting, is acquiring new meaning in the context of professional education。

  Beginning in September of 2011, Skema Business School , which is among the largest of France’s Grandes Écoles, will offer the degree of master of science in luxury and fashion management at its Suzhou campus in China。

  The yearlong program includes a compulsory three-month internship at an Asia-based firm and is designed to combine French managerial experience with China’s tradition of fine craftsmanship with valuable materials like silk and porcelain。

  Skema is not the first French university to recognize the importance of China’s luxury goods market; in March of 2007 the HEC School of Management in Paris ,introduced France’s first advanced management program in fashion and luxury in partnership with l’Institut Français de la Mode and the Tsinghua School of Economics and Management in Shanghai。

  While the language of instruction in the Skema program is English, intensive Chinese lessons and courses on China’s socioeconomic system and Asian methods of business are mandatory.  



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