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http://www.sina.com.cn 2010年09月27日 15:12 新浪尚品






  Zuckerberg the Philanthropist

  “What makes Mark tick?” is the most common question coming from readers of my Profile of Facebook’s C.E.O, Mark Zuckerberg. After that, they ask, via e-mail, tweets, Facebook messages, and a live chat last week, versions of “What will Mark do with all that money?”

  Apparently, Mark will give a lot of it away. Wednesday night, the New York Times broke the story that the Facebook co-founder, in his first public act of philanthropy, will donate $100 million to the Newark Public Schools—one-eighth of its annual operating budget。

  The timing was curious for two reasons. The news broke the same day Forbes announced its latest ranking of the wealthiest Americans; Zuckerberg, with an estimated worth of $6.1 billion, ranked thirty-fifth, ahead of Rupert Murdoch and Steve Jobs. The gift also comes as “The Social Network,” David Fincher’s unauthorized, fictionalized, and much-buzzed-about version of Zuckerberg’s and Facebook’s early years, is to open the New York Film Festival. Hours before tonight’s première, the press-shy Zuckerberg will appear on “The Oprah Winfrey Show” alongside Cory Booker, Newark’s technology- and publicity-savvy mayor。

  Zuckerberg may be adept at many things, but public relations is not one of them. If Zuckerberg and his executive team had it their way, “The Social Network” would not have been made. A close Zuckerberg confidante told me that Facebook executives made “a miscalculation” in not trying to stop the project before it started filming. In my interviews with Zuckerberg for The New Yorker, he was visibly uncomfortable (eyes looking down, shifting in his seat) whenever I mentioned the movie—and understandably so. How would you feel if you were twenty-six and a movie, made by filmmakers whom you’ve never met or spoken to, portrayed you as an insecure, insensitive, socially maladroit wunderkind?

  “The Social Network” notwithstanding, Zuckerberg will be Zuckerberg. In 2008, when Forbes first named him the world’s youngest self-made billionaire, he was renting a one-bedroom apartment and sleeping on a mattress on the floor, his older sister, Randi Zuckerberg, told me. Randi works at Facebook and, at the time, lived across the street from him. “Not to speak for my brother or know what he would spend his money on, but I would guess that he would give most of his money to charity,” she said. And early this year, one friend of Zuckerberg’s told me, the C.E.O. of Facebook asked him if he should set up a foundation and start giving away money immediately or wait until later, like Bill Gates。

  The $100 million donation to Newark seems to be the beginning of an education foundation that Zuckerberg will establish. Education in America is one focus of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and technology is revolutionizing education: how students learn, how teachers teach, the meaning of citizenship in a globally connected world. As a digital native—he was in middle school when Google launched—Zuckerberg, if he wishes, could play a big role in reforming education for the twenty-first century。



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