
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年04月24日 16:34 新浪尚品

  亚当•亨利于1974年出生于美国西南部。1998年他毕业于新墨西哥大学,获得艺术与艺术史的双学位。他还被授予了艺术与艺术史课程的杰出毕业生奖。2000年他于耶鲁大学艺术学院取得硕士学位,并取得了Richard Dixion Welling绘画奖。他曾多次参加艺术家驻留项目,诸如在缅因州Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture和在世贸中心Lower Manhattan文化处工作室项目。他所参加的展览遍布全美画廊,如在布鲁克林的Roebling Hall、纽约的Stephen Stux、明尼阿波利斯的Midway Contemporary Art,和洛杉矶的南加州大学。他的作品在纽约时代周刊以及网上杂志Petite Mort上多次报道。


  Adam Henry was born in 1974 in the Southwestern United States. In 1998 he received a double major for Art and Art History from the University of New Mexico where he also received the award of Outstanding graduating senior in the Art and Art History programs.

  In 2000 he graduated with an MFA from the Yale School of Art and received the Richard Dixion Welling Award for excellence in Drawing.

  He has participated in numerous residencies, such as Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture and the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council studio program at the World Trade Center. Exhibiting throughout the United States he has shown at galleries such as Roebling Hall in Brooklyn, Stephen Stux in New York City, Midway Contemporary art in Minneapolis and the University of Southern California in Los Angeles.

  His work has been w ritten about in the New York Times and the online magazine Petite Mort.

  Adam Henry currently lives and works in Brooklyn, New York.

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