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不走寻常路 盘点冬季最别致的户外运动

http://www.sina.com.cn 2010年12月31日 07:33 新浪尚品 [ 微博 ]


  1.韩国 参加北极熊游泳大会


  2.科罗拉多 雪地自行车


  3.芬兰 冰上漂移之疯狂卡丁车



  4.阿拉斯加 乘坐狗拉雪橇

  狗拉雪橇是风靡于阿拉斯加的一项运动。一群爱斯基摩犬用雪橇拉着你加速前进或者度过一小段长途的旅行,只要你想,这种待遇可以随时享受。位于塔纳纳河的Alaska Best Wilderness可以为您提供包括狗拉雪橇、徒步旅行和漂流在内长达11天的探险活动。如果你只是想用一个下午的时间和这群可爱的小家伙呆在一起,费尔班克斯的SunDog Express可以为您提供短途的导游服务。

  5.明尼苏达州 拖拽式滑雪

  想和你的可爱狗狗一起来个雪地大冒险的话,可以去明尼苏达州体验下雪地里的拖拽式滑雪——由各自的狗狗拉着雪橇进行滑雪。The Midwest Skijorers每年都会在明尼苏达州的双子城附近举行这一活动。

  6.加拿大 滑雪圈

  爱雪却不爱用雪橇或滑雪板的朋友们也许会爱上滑雪圈。用滑雪圈滑雪不仅经济实惠,而且简单易行,并且也会非常有趣。叫上朋友或者家人,去加拿大安大略省的Rock Ridge 娱乐公园,从雪地的斜坡上顺势而下,尽情享受冰雪带来的乐趣吧!

  7.智利 攀冰

  在智利首都圣地亚哥的Cajón del Maipo附近,你绝对能找到真正让你感到刺激而快乐的地方。令人惊叹的ElMorado Glacier已经为同样壮观而惊险的攀冰旅行做好了准备。向Cerro El Morado的西南方挺进吧,在那里,冒险家的冒险天堂之攀爬冰川在等你!

  8.波兰 冰上风帆



  9.犹他州 雪地风筝


  10.格陵兰岛 冰钓

  格陵兰Shark Challenge是个冰钓的好地方:凿冰挖洞,捕捉格陵兰岛最大的鱼——格陵兰大鲨鱼。这些鲨鱼有的能大到21英尺长,2200英镑重。所以来这儿冰钓绝对让你不虚此行。格陵兰岛的伍玛纳克风光秀丽,冰山掩映,来这儿体验一周左右的冰钓式旅行,还能跟当地的渔民学习钓鱼术呢!(李秀雯/译)

  Top 10 unusual winter sports

  By Suemedha Sood

  There is more to winter travel than skiing and snowboarding.Nontraditional winter sports and activities have sprouted up all over theworld, catering to adventurers who crave new ways to get their adrenalinepumping。

  Here are our ten favourite out-of-the-ordinary outdoor sports for yournext winter vacation。

  1. Polar bear swimming in Korea

  EachJanuary in Busan, thrill-seeking locals jump into the freezing cold water ofthe Korea Strait in nothing but their bikinis and swim trunks. The PolarBear Swim competition has taken place at Haeundae Beach every yearsince 1988. It is the Korean way of welcoming good health in the new year. Getready to run 10 meters across the sand, leap into the icy water, and then swim80 meters toward the finish line. Even though it is technically a race, theKorean Tourism Organization points out that the Polar Bear Swim is less aboutcompetition and more about spreading good cheer。

  2. Ski biking in Colorado

  If bicycling in the snowsounds like trouble, try riding a bike outfitted with skis instead of wheelsdown snowy slopes in Colorado's Rocky Mountains. DurangoMountain Resort has long offered ski bikingas one of its winter activities. The ski resort holds an international ski bikefestival once a year for participants and spectators alike. Be sure to take alesson or two before going out on the slopes for the first time; it is not aseasy as the YouTube videos make it look。

  3. Ice karting in Finland

  What could be more fun than go-kart racing on ice? In Kuusamo, Finland, givereckless driving a try on a frozen lake. Race against a few friends orstrangers at Ruka Adventures with the chance to win a medal. After theadrenaline rush, relax with some complimentary coffee, tea, sweets andsausages。

  4. Dog sledding in Alaska

  Dog sledding, or mushing, is Alaska's official sport. Enjoy the ride while ateam of adorable huskies pulls you along for either a short sprint or a longjourney. Dog sled rides can last anywhere from minutes to days, depending onyour interests. Alaska Best Wilderness, based in Tanana, has 11-day backpackingexpeditions that combine mushing, trekking and rafting. If you just want anafternoon with the beautiful sled dogs, Sun Dog Express in Fairbanks offersguided tours starting from just half a mile long。

  5. Skijoring in Minnesota

  For a snowy adventure with your own dogs, try skijoring in Minnesota. Skijoringis a combination of cross country skiing and dog sledding in which a person onskis is pulled along by his or her pups. The Midwest Skijorers Club holdsskijoring events around the Twin Cities in Minnesota。

  6. Snow tubing inCanada

  Snow lovers who do not ski or snowboard will love snow tubing. Basicallysledding in a tube, snowtubing is easy, cheap and incredibly fun. Rock RidgeRecreation Park (www.rockridgetubing.com) in Ontario is especially dedicated tothe sport and features six tubing runs. Attach a few tubes together to go downthe slopes with your friends or family. Rock Ridge's season this year beginsthe day after Christmas。

  7. Ice climbing in Chile

  True exhilaration can be found just outside of Santiago, Chile in Cajón delMaipo. There, the awe-inspiring El Morado Glacier sets the scene for asimultaneously magnificent, terrifying and thrilling ice climbing trip. Trekout to the southwest side of Cerro El Morado where the most adventurous of adventurersclimb the hanging glacier. The sights are spectacular, so remember to bring acamera。

  8. Ice sailing in Poland

  Feel the blustery wind rush over you as you sail across Poland's Great MasurianLakes when they freeze over in the winter. With no waves to slow you down, thesport brings new meaning to the term "smooth sailing". Iceboats canreach very high speeds, so racing should only be attempted after you get thehang of basic sailing。

  9. Snowkiting in Utah

  While many snowkite enthusiasts use a board or skis, all you really need to gosnowkiting is a power kite and an appetite for excitement. Glide down theslopes in snowy Utah and let the wind pull you up into the air. Lessons can befound at the Utah Kite Addiction (www.utahkiteaddiction.com) snowkiting schoolin the Ogden Valley. Beginners should take a class to learn the basics aboutsnowkiting safety。

  10. Shark ice fishing in Greenland

  The Greenland Shark Challenge (www.greenland-guide.gl/sharkchallenge) isanything but your average fishing trip. Battle icy waters to catch Greenland'slargest fish, the Greenland shark. These sharks can get reach 21 feet and 2,200pounds, so reeling one in is a feat worthy of bragging rights. The Challengetakes place in the beautiful town of Uummannaq which boasts stunning views ofglaciers and mountains. Book a fixed week-long fishing tour or arrange for anindividual angling trip with a local fisherman。


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