http://www.sina.com.cn 2011年11月16日 20:51 新浪尚品 微博

这次论坛是中国人民对外友好协会、美国亚洲协会和阿斯彭学会三个民间组织为推动中美两国文化交流合作、增进对彼此文化包容了解的一项重要活动,也是 我们对两国政府领导人倡导人文交流的积极回应。通过两国众多文化精英的热心参与,我们希望这一论坛能够成为中美人民之间相互了解和友好的重要渠道,为中美关系的发展提供基础和动力。
Welcome to the US-China Forum on the Arts and Culture!
The world enjoys rich and colorful culture heritages. Each culture carries its distinctive national characteristic and soul. Cultures may be compared as old or new, but not superior or inferior. Each culture should be well respected and protected。
Both China and the United States boast their own distinguishing culture, of which their people are very proud. Due to historical and social factors, the two cultures differ a lot, but that does not mean they have nothing in common. As long as the two sides seek common ground while preserving differences, find areas of cooperation and exchange, and reach better understandings, our bilateral relations will continue to advance in the right direction。
This Forum is co-hosted by three civil organizations, the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, Asia Society and Aspen Institute. The Forum is an important program aimed to promote China-US mutual understanding and cultural interaction. It is also an active response to the call of both Chinese and American state leaders to promote cultural and people-to-people exchanges. It is our wish that through the participation of cultural elites from both countries, this Forum will serve as an important channel for better understanding and friendship between the Chinese and American people, and provide solid foundation as well as impetus for future growth of our bilateral relationship。
In conclusion, I want to thank those friends who have contributed to this Forum. I wish the Forum a complete success!

— Madam Li Xiaolin, President, Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, Beijing, China