http://www.sina.com.cn 2011年11月16日 19:42 新浪尚品 微博
招颖思博士是亚洲协会纽约博物馆馆长和全球艺术项目副总裁。2004年,她被任命为亚洲协会纽约博物馆馆长,此前她在博物馆服务了三年,是亚洲协会 博物馆首位关注当代亚洲艺术和当代美国亚裔艺术的策展人。作为一位研究亚洲当代艺术的权威,她发起了建立多个重要项目,包括建立起一个能与亚洲协会博物馆 馆藏的洛克菲勒家族的传统亚洲艺术品收藏相辅相成的亚洲当代艺术品收藏。
招颖思女士经常作为演讲人和评论员出现在各大媒体上。她目前还是纽约市立大学研究生院的客座教授。她曾在包括哈佛大学在内的众多美国大学内开办讲 座。她在2003年2004年期间曾获任盖蒂研究学者,并同时在纽约州文化局、纽约市文化事务部以及马萨诸塞州文化理事会的奖金及政策顾问委员会任职。
招思颖女士同时还是香港亚洲艺术文献库学术顾问委员会的成员、温哥华《艺术:当代中国艺术期刊》的顾问委员会成员、美国公共电视台(PBS)制作的 关于当代艺术的电视系列纪录片《艺术21》的咨询顾问、越南艺术基金会的董事会成员、致力于为亚洲艺术文化服务的纽约亚洲当代艺术委员会的创始会员、以及 美国博物馆馆长协会的活跃成员。她还曾任由牛津大学出版社在纽约和伦敦出版的《格罗夫艺术辞典》(The Grove Dictionary of Art)亚洲当代艺术部分的编辑。此外,她也著作和编辑了多本书籍、专著和选集。其中包括关于中国当代艺术家张洹的书、她联合编著的在2008年由耶鲁大 学出版社出版的研究文化大革命年代的艺术的书、以及由Charta出版社在2007年出版的以海外中国当代艺术为焦点的近作《突围:海外中国艺术》。
加入亚洲协会之前,招女士曾是澳大利亚悉尼亚澳艺术中心(Asia-Australia Arts Centre)的创始馆长(1996-2001年)。她在家乡澳大利亚获得了艺术历史学的博士学位和艺术管理的硕士学位。
Dr. Melissa Chiu is Director of the Asia Society Museum in New York and Vice President of the Society’s Global Arts Programming. She was appointed director in 2004 after serving for three years as the Museum’s first curator of contemporary Asian and Asian American art. As a leading authority on Asian contemporary art, she has initiated a number of major initiatives at the Asia Society Museum, including the launch of a contemporary art collection to complement the museum’s outstanding Rockefeller Collection of traditional Asian art。
Chiu, who is a frequent lecturer and commentator in the news media, is a visiting professor at the CUNY Graduate School. She has spoken at numerous American universities, including Harvard University. She was a Getty Research Fellow (2003-2004) and has served on grant and policy advisory committees for: the New York State Council on the Arts, the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, and the Massachusetts Cultural Council。
Chiu is a member of the Academic Advisory Board, Asia Art Archives, Hong Kong; Advisory Board, Yishu: Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, Vancouver; Advisor for Art 21, an art television series broadcast on PBS; Board Member, Vietnam Foundation for the Arts; and is a founding member of the Asian Contemporary Art Consortium in New York, a group serving the interests of Asian art and culture at the world’s leading museums and galleries. She is an active member of the American Association of Art Museum Directors。
She has served as an Editor for Asian contemporary art, The Grove Dictionary of Art, published by Oxford University Press, London and New York, and is the author and editor of many books, monographs, and anthologies, among them books on the Chinese contemporary artist Zhang Huan and a co-authored work on the art of the Cultural Revolution published by Yale University Press in 2008. Her most recent scholarly book, Breakout: Chinese Art Outside China (Charta, 2007), focuses on the international Chinese artistic diaspora。
Prior to joining Asia Society, Chiu was Founding Director of the Asia-Australia Arts Centre in Sydney, Australia (1996–2001). She earned her Ph.D in Art History and M.A. in Arts Administration in her native Australia。