http://www.sina.com.cn 2011年11月16日 19:34 新浪尚品 微博

自2006年起,沃策尔一直担任夏季维尔国际舞蹈节的艺术总监,不仅推出品了大量的舞蹈演出,还发起和建立了众多的公益使命。他在维尔谷创立了“欢祝节拍”项目(Celebrate the Beat),旨在为在当地公立学校资源匮乏的儿童提供艺术教育。在2009至2010年期间,沃策尔在林肯中心艾丽丝-杜丽音乐厅制作和指导了“世界科学 节音乐会”(World Science Festival Gala),并策划和制作了以艺术向科学致敬为主题的音乐会,向理论物理学家斯蒂芬-霍金致意,马友友、约翰-利斯戈和凯利-奥哈拉等多位知名音乐家都参 与了表演。
2009年秋天,沃策尔还帮助创立和指导了杰罗姆-罗宾斯基金会的“新杰作”项目(New Essential Works),旨在为编舞和舞蹈团队在最近的金融危机中提供排演新作品所必需的资金补助。2009年,沃策尔还作为策展人和导演在纽约市民中心推出了新一 季的“五号工作室”(Studio 5)系列演出,深度剖析和展示了当今最有代表性和感染力的舞蹈家和舞蹈团队。
沃策尔先生现已加入了由马友友先生在纽约公立学校中发起的“丝路计划连接”项目。2010年6月指导了由该项目在纽约自然历史博物馆举办的年终活 动,该活动由“丝绸之路合奏团”和450名小学六年级学生共同出演。2011年6月,沃策尔先生再次参加了这一项目。这一次他们率领一个由众多明星和小学 六年级学生组成的演出阵容为中央公园“夏季舞台”艺术节带来了免费的开幕演出。
沃策尔自1989年起就一直在纽约市芭蕾舞团担任首席舞蹈演员,直到他2008年从芭蕾舞台谢幕。在那期间,他出演了杰罗姆-罗宾斯,艾略特-菲尔 德,泰拉-夏普、苏珊-斯托曼以及克里斯托弗-威尔顿等众多导演专门为他创作的一系列舞蹈作品。在他的职业生涯中,沃策尔多次作为特邀明星在多个国际场合 演出,并在包括基洛夫芭蕾舞团和美国芭蕾舞剧院在内的多个演出团体进行访问和表演。沃策尔为纽约市芭蕾舞团创作编排了众多优秀作品。他是“吴诸珊奖”的获 得者。并在1994年到2007年期间担任过“纽约州立芭蕾舞艺术学院”暑期项目的艺术总监。沃策尔目前担任肯尼迪中心艺术家委员会任职,并担任“阿斯泰 尔奖”以及“格蕾丝王妃奖”的评委。沃策尔是2008年阿斯彭学会的“哈曼-艾斯纳年度艺术家”。他还经常参与艺术与艺术政策方面的演讲。他在哈佛大学肯 尼迪政府学院获得公共管理硕士学位硕士学位。近期他还担任了“哈佛艺术使命”专题小组的成员。2009年11月,奥巴马总统任命沃策尔为“总统人文艺术顾 问委员会”的成员。
Damian Woetzel, former ballet star, is an arts leader and activist, and a producer and director of dance and music performances. Among his recent projects was directing the first performance of the White House Dance Series in September of 2010, which took place in the East Room of the White House and was hosted by First Lady Michelle Obama。
In June of 2011, Woetzel became the Director of Arts Programs of the Aspen Institute. In this capacity, he works to develop ideas and policies to assure vibrancy and dynamism in all artistic realms, and to enrich civic culture in ways only the arts can do。
Since 2006, Woetzel has been the artistic director of the summer Vail International Dance Festival, where he presents dance performances and commissions. He has instituted a number of initiatives as director, including bringing to the Vail Valley the educational arts program Celebrate the Beat which targets local underserved children in the public schools。
In 2009 and 2010, Woetzel produced and directed the World Science Festival Gala Performances at Lincoln Center’s Alice Tully Hall. For the 2010 event he created an arts salute to science honoring the theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking, featuring performances by Yo-Yo Ma, John Lithgow, and Kelli O’Hara among others。
In the fall of 2009, Woetzel helped create and began directing the Jerome Robbins Foundation’s New Essential Works (NEW) Program, which supports choreographers and dance companies during the current financial crisis by giving grants to enable the production of new works. Woetzel also in 2009 launched as curator and director the new Studio 5 performance series at New York’s City Center, which features in-depth examinations of today’s most compelling dance artists and companies highlighted by in-studio performances and demonstrations。
Woetzel works with Yo-Yo Ma on his Silk Road Connect program in the New York City Public Schools, in June of 2010 directing the culminating year end event which took place at New York’s Museum of Natural History, and featured the participation of the Silk Road Ensemble and 450 6th grade students. In June of 2011, Woetzel again directed the culminating event of this valuable program, this time bringing together a star-studded cast with the 6th graders in a free performance opening the SummerStage season in Central Park。
In addition to his other activities, Woetzel was in the fall of 2010 a visiting Lecturer at Harvard Law School, co-teaching a course on Performing Arts and the Law。
Woetzel was a Principal Dancer at New York City Ballet from 1989 until his retirement from the stage in 2008, where he had works created for him by Jerome Robbins, Eliot Feld, Twyla Tharp, Susan Stroman, and Christopher Wheeldon, among others. During his career, Woetzel frequently performed internationally as a guest star and was a visiting artist with numerous companies including the Kirov Ballet and American Ballet Theatre. Woetzel has choreographed a number of ballets for NYCB among other companies. He is the recipient of a Choo San Goh award for new choreography, and he was the artistic director of the New York State Summer School for the Arts School of Ballet from 1994-2007. Woetzel serves on the Artists Committee of the Kennedy Center Honors and as a judge for the Astaire Awards; he has also served as a juror for the Princess Grace Awards. Woetzel was the 2008 Harman-Eisner Artist in Residence of the Aspen Institute, and he is a frequent speaker on the arts and arts policy. Woetzel holds a Master in Public Administration Degree from Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, and he served on the recent Harvard Task Force on the Arts. In November of 2009, President Obama appointed Woetzel to the President’s Committee on the Arts and Humanities。
Woetzel has been married to Heather Watts since 1999.