http://www.sina.com.cn 2011年11月16日 19:14 新浪尚品 微博

马友友是“丝路计划”的创始人和艺术总监,该计划旨在促进对古丝绸之路沿线的文化、艺术和人文传统的研究和学习。自项目成立以来,“丝路合奏团”已 经制作完成了60多出作品,每年都举行巡回演出。马友友先生还担任芝加哥交响乐团学习交流与训练学院的创意顾问。他工作的重心在于让音乐作为变革的力量进 入每个人的生活,将音乐以不同形式带入社区,丰富听众的音乐体验。
马友友出生于法国,后随父母一起举家迁至纽约。他四岁开始学习大提琴,曾在茱莉亚音乐学院短暂学习,1976年毕业于哈佛大学。他获得的奖项中包括 “国家艺术勋章”和2010年的“总统自由勋章”。最近他还获得了2011年肯尼迪中心荣誉奖。马友友先生同时还是联合国和平大使,美国总统艺术人文委员 会委员。他曾为八位美国总统演奏,最近一次是2009年受美国第44任总统奥巴马邀请在其总统就职仪式上表演。
The many-faceted career of cellist Yo-Yo Ma is testament to his continual search for new ways to communicate with audiences and to his personal desire for artistic growth and renewal. His discography includes over 75 albums, including more than 15 Grammy award winners。
Mr. Ma serves as the Artistic Director of the Silk Road Project, an organization he founded to promote the study of cultural, artistic and intellectual traditions along the ancient Silk Road trade routes. Since the Project’s inception, more than 60 works have been commissioned specifically for the Silk Road Ensemble, which tours annually. Mr. Ma also serves as the Judson and Joyce Green Creative Consultant to the Chicago Symphony Orchestra’s Institute for Learning, Access and Training. His work focuses on the transformative power music can have in individuals’ lives, and on increasing the number and variety of opportunities audiences have to experience music in their communities。
Mr. Ma was born in Paris to Chinese parents who later moved the family to New York. He began to study cello at the age of four, attended the Juilliard School and in 1976 graduated from Harvard University. He has received numerous awards, among them the 2001 National Medal of Arts, and the 2010 Presidential Medal of Freedom. Mr. Ma was recently selected as a 2011 Kennedy Center Honoree. Mr. Ma serves as a UN Messenger of Peace and as a member of the President’s Committee on the Arts & the Humanities. He has performed for eight American presidents, most recently at the invitation of President Obama on the occasion of the 56th Inaugural Ceremony。