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Private Cuisine in a Private Garden: Family Li Imperial Cuisine
Private Cuisine in a Private Garden: Family Li Imperial Cuisine
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Tasting Private Cuisine from Court

¡¡¡¡Recipe of Li was brought from the court. From Qing Dynasty, Family Li has been keeping this secret recipe, and it¡¯s the fourth generation by now. Li Shunqing, as the founder, is a civil affair officer of Qing Dynasty, in charge of the Forbidden City, including the safety of kitchen. He recited the recipe and wrote down after quitting. From then on the recipe has been kept as a treasure by his descendant for a hundred years.

Environment of Family Li Imperial Cuisine
Environment of Family Li Imperial Cuisine
The restaurant only has suites for the customers

¡¡¡¡The restaurant only has suites for the customers, including 15 appetizers, 7 main courses and 2 desserts. Since the Li Cuisine is so special, it deserves a visit.

Food of Family Li Imperial Cuisine
Food of Family Li Imperial Cuisine

¡¡¡¡Li Cuisine combines modern materials and traditional cooking, and everything is natural. The specials include Sweet and Sour Chop, Fumet Abalone, Duck Shark Fin Scallop, Etc. Celebrities used to dine there include heads of nations, Bill Gates, royal descendants of Qing Dynasty.[Review]

Add£ºFirst Floor, No. 500, Zhongshandongyi Road, Shanghai(in Huangpu Park)
Tel: 021-53081919
Price£º800 Yuan per person
Payment£ºcash /credit card
Service fee£º10%
Wireless connection to the internet£ºavailable
Distinctive building nearby£ºHuang Pu park